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Check if installed

git –version



git config –global “Presidio Production”
git config –global “”
git config –list


Initialize git on directory

Browse the root directory of the project you want to add to git and do

git init


Add existing project to git

git remote add origin ssh://


Add a file to staging area

git add filename.txt


Add all files that were changed to the staging area

git add -A


Remove a file from staging area

git reset filename.txt


Remove everything from staging area

git reset –hard


Remove a file both locally and from git repo

git rm filename.txt
git push origin branch_name


Remove a file only from the repository

git rm –cached filename.txt
git push origin branch_name


Remove a directory both locally and from git repo

git rm dir_name
git push origin branch_name


Remove a directory only from the repository

git rm –cached dir_name
git push origin branch_name


Delete a brach locally

git branch -d branch_name or git branch -D branch_name


Delete a remote branch

git push origin –delete branch_name


List all branches

git branch -a

remove recent push from the active branch locally

git reset –hard HEAD~1


force the change on remote

git push origin +branchname


get commit head id of the active branch

git rev-parse –short HEAD


remove local changes making local branch exact copy of the remote

git fetch origin
git reset –hard origin/master